Welcome to month two of We Love That Journey For You! This is a series where we highlight women at all stages of their fitness journeys.
This month, we have Lynn Conlin. Lynn is a certified personal trainer living in Colorado, who is into all sorts of fitness from kickboxing to weight lifting.
Brew some tea and learn more about her journey!
Tell us a little about yourself and where you’re from:
I’m originally from Minnesota, but moved to Colorado about 18 years ago. I still consider myself a Minnesota girl at heart, but I don’t miss the cold! I turned 50 last year (GULP! I know it’s just a number, but it’s also a big milestone). Some of my hobbies, other than working out, include baking, reading, and self-improvement.
Why do you think our Fierce B tea matches your personality?
I find the name to be really motivating! It’s a reminder to be strong and powerful.I like to think of the phrase Babe In Total Control of Herself instead of the negative connotation that generally comes with the B-word. Life isn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns; there may be ups and downs, but I always come back fighting. I am determined to reach my goals and know that everything is completely in my control.
What is your background in health and fitness?
Several years ago, a gym opened on my route home from work. I got hooked on going and working out. Within a year, I had lost 50 lbs and actually enjoyed going to the gym and pushing myself. At the same time, my food choices and calorie intake weren’t always good choices though, so some of my weight loss may not have been done in the healthiest manner.
I switched up the gyms I was going to, explored different options and learned to push myself even harder, thanks in part to an amazing female gym owner/trainer/role model. I learned to do things I never thought I could do. I even took up boxing and learned to like lifting weights.
Along the way, I realized that I wanted to learn more about working out, nutrition, and being healthy. I feel like there are so many different approaches and sometimes it’s hard to figure out which theory/person/idea to listen to. So, I signed up for a package through the National Academy of Sports Medicine to become a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and Weight Loss Specialist. So far, I have passed 2 of those certifications and am working on the 3rd! Not sure if I’ll do more than use the information for personal knowledge, but knowledge is power and I’m hoping it will help me get back on track and fill in some of the pieces that I’ve been missing on this journey.
What I’ve learned is that it really is a journey. When you reach a goal, that’s not the end. There is still work that needs to be done. What may have worked at one point may not work throughout the journey; it’s about building healthy habits, learning, and pushing myself to be better.

What role does tea play in your fitness journey?
There are so many benefits that make it part of my journey. First, it helps with hydration which is very important. Cleanse and Detox teas have become staples for me to remove toxins and feel better overall. Sometimes a cup of tea is just what I need while I relax and unwind, so it also promotes the mental well-being, which is very important too.

How do you train in a typical week?
My goal is to work out 5-6 times a week and I try to do a combination of cardio and strength/resistance training. At least one day a week is focused on cardio only, so either the treadmill, elliptical or going for a walk. Strength days are generally free weights, sometimes with machines mixed in.
Who is your biggest female role model?
I’m lucky to have several female role models in my life, from family members to friends, business mentors and women in fitness.
On the fitness side, I would say my friend and trainer, Tiffany, has been my biggest role model. I met her at the gym she owned and was introduced by a mutual friend. When I first walked into the gym and saw walls in pink and black (my favorite colors), I knew this was something I had to be part of! She pushes and encourages me. She makes me push my limits and show myself that I am stronger than I think. I may complain at the time (or shoot her looks!) but I always leave a session or class with her thinking “wow, I really did that!”
Because of, well, life , I don’t get to train with her as much as I would like. But I know she is always there to support me, to help me see the strong side of me (especially when I don’t see it myself).
What would you say to motivate other women to begin their fitness journeys?
Think about your why. What do you want to get from your journey? It’s easy to say “I want to be healthier”, but when you really think about what you want and why you want it and put that in writing, it gives you something specific to work towards and motivates you. It reminds you of why this journey is important to you and not just something that you “have to do”.
Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely/Time Bound) goals to help motivate you. This will also help keep driving you forward.
Making small changes can make an improvement in your health. Walk more, exercise with friends. The more support and motivation you have, the more likely that you will build life-long habits.Tell friends about your goals so they can motivate, support and encourage you.
Add veggies to a meal each day, set aside time to go to the gym or go for a walk and hold yourself accountable to doing it. Once you start to do things on a regular basis, it’s more likely that they will become habits. Change isn’t going to happen overnight, but take the time to build habits will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle for years to come. Listen to your body. Take a break when you need to, but also remember that you are strong!
Be proud of yourself and the steps you are taking!
What’s something unique that has helped you on your fitness journey?
One of the things I did this year, for the first time, was create vision boards specific to health and wellness.
I’m tracking my measurements each month. I’m writing out workouts to keep things fresh. I’ve put my “why” in writing. Seeing these visions on a daily basis reminds me why this journey is important to me, as well as the steps I’m committed to taking to reach my goals. This journey isn’t something I have to do. It’s something I want to do, because I want to be stronger and healthier and I want to continue to encourage and inspire others.