By Carrie Pinkard
Did you know Snarky Tea is haunted?!
Over the past few weeks, a ghost with a sweet tooth has been haunting the Snarky Tea warehouse. The ghost must be pretty friendly because every time she’s here she leaves some Halloween candy behind. We’ve followed her trail and realized that she’s been staying up all night pairing different Halloween candies with our teas until she found the perfect combinations.
Here are the ghoulishly good tea and Halloween candy combinations she came up with to match however you’re feeling this season.
Feeling Stressed?
Try Calm the F**k Down & Starbursts

Feeling stressed this Halloween season? Stop hitting the boos and hit this tea and candy pairing instead. In a stroke of genius, our ghost paired Calm the F**k Down with Starbursts. This rooibos blend contains traces of pineapple and coconut which go great with all the fruit, chewy goodness of Starburst.
Feeling Fiesty?
Try Fierce B*tch & Hershey’s

Our Fierce B*tch tea is one of our more complex blends. It’s a black tea that’s both floral and spicy. This complexity is why it pairs great with the simple Hershey’s chocolate bar. Let the chocolate-rose combination elevate you to your baddest, fiercest self this week.
Feeling Scattered?
Try Get Your Sh*t Together & Twizzlers

Feeling disoriented during this weird, pandemic Halloween? We’ve got your back. Our Get Your Sh*t Together blend is a green tea with a kick to it. That’s why it goes great with the licorice-y goodness of Twizzlers. Both the candy and the tea will wake your mind up and help you hold it together this Halloween.
Feeling Sleepy?
Try Wake the F**k Up & Twix
Feeling tired AF but don’t want to miss out on the Halloween festivities? This is the pairing for you. Wake the F**k Up is designed to get you bouncing off the walls. It’s a cinnamon black tea with chocolate undertones that pair amazingly with the chocolatey-caramel sweetness of a Twix bar.
Feeling Basic?
Try Basic B*tch & Reese’s

Feeling like cranking T-Swift and frolicking in a pumpkin patch again? We love all you basic witches! Basic B*tch is a pumpkin blend of cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. This spicy trio is magic when paired with the peanut butter and chocolate combination found in a Reese's.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Try Namaste Motherf**er & Lollipops

Is your family in a screaming match over whether to watch Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown? Are your in-laws on their way over with a sack of Halloween candy that’s going to keep your kids up until December 2022? We’ve got a soothing tea and Halloween candy pairing to help: Namaste Motherf**ker and lollipops. Namaste Motherf**ker is a fruity green tea with hints of orange and raspberry. Meanwhile, eating a lollipop takes some patience and is naturally soothing. Boom. The ghost of Snarky Tea did it again.
Feeling Extra Sweet?
Try Sweet as F**k & Kit Kats

We believe our Sweet As F**k tea can stand on its own as a replacement for candy. However, it’s Halloween so now’s the time to turn up the sweetness to a whole new level. The blend of citrus and chocolate in Sweet As F**k is a killer companion to the wafer-like chocolatey Kit Kat. Give me a break.
Are you out of your favorite Snarky Tea? Stock up here, you'll need it for all that leftover Halloween candy!
I can always count on you guys to give me a lift along with the strength I need! Thank you!