DÉJÀ VU. This week is gonna feel really effing weird; like everything you see and hear seem eerily familiar. Whenever this happens, it’s a sign to BE CAREFUL. There’s a lot happening beneath the surface right now and this déjà vu feeling is a build-up to some surprises on the horizon. It’s all in the details this week so get that magnifying glass out and pay close attention!
MOVIN’ AND GROOVIN’. This is a great week to put yourself on display. You’re feeling a whole lotta awesome energy and it’s connecting you with the things you love (art, music, working with your hands). When you’re in your element, others notice and are drawn to it. In fact, you’ll be so magnetic this week you may find some new friends. Warning: you should put that world-famous practicality to use because these new buddies may be showing up for the wrong reasons. Be suspicious AF.
WHERE YOU GOIN’? As a Gemini, you’re pretty used to feelings of indecisiveness. This week, those feelings will be amplified and you might question your current life direction. Don’t panic; this is a good energy and you should know that if you aren’t happy with your present situations, you’ll be getting a chance to change them very soon. It’s also a week to showcase your affectionate nature and be helpful to anyone who needs you. You little sweetie, you.
WHO PUT YOU IN CHARGE? You might hear that a lot this week. There’s an emphasis on relationships and figuring out everyone’s roles to avoid any confusion or issues in the future. Some people may question your authoritative stance so use that persuasive nature to combat their fears. “I GOT THIS, B*TCH!”. Overall, you’ll feel yourself quickly moving from one activity to another and honestly… it’ll be a little freeing.
TALENT FOR MILES. Just when you thought you couldn’t get any better… you totally do. This week you’ll surprise yourself with some hidden talents and skills. And honey, it’s got the potential to be hella lucrative. Those opportunities for prosperity will present themselves when the time is right so just focus on developing yourself and everything else will fall in place.
OUTTA CONTROL! That’s how it’ll feel this week. And truthfully, many things that happen will be out of your control – it’s how you react that will change the course of events. Just when you’re ready to LOSE IT; don’t! This is all happening for a reason and it’s leading you to your best life so just keep cool and focus on delivering excellence (which you totally will because you’re a hardworking MF’er).
YOU’VE GOT THE POWER. But you gotta chill with it. People may feel a little overwhelmed by your energy this week. I know we've been telling you this a lot recently, but remain focused on the details in decision-making. Issues will pop up but rest assured that all these complications are here to restore balance and cooperation in your life. You’ve been going through a lot of sh*t recently and it’s SO IMPORTANT that you don’t lose faith. The universe is pushing you forward for a brighter future and growth can be painful. Push through it.
DOIN’ REAL GOOD, HON! This week is going to be really effing great, Scoprio. You’re finding yourself full of promise and happier than you’ve been in some time. In fact, you’ll be feeling extra grateful and open to hearing what the universe is saying. Keep an eye on everyone around you that seems to be #winning and send vibes of encouragement because… you’re next!
THINK IT THROUGH. Whatever decisions you make this week will have major impact on the next few months and (try not to panic) you won’t be able to hit “undo” on anything you choose. Put that impatience out to pasture as you’ll need to take your time in all decision-making. You’ve been feeling restrained lately and unfortunately it’s gonna hang around a bit this week but it will pass!
DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200.. YET. You’re gonna feel like you’re standing still this week but there’s a reason for it. The universe is saying that you really need to dig deeper for understanding and to restore balance in your relationships before you can move forward. It’s annoying AF but it’s so you don’t fall into bad situations down the road so take this chance to reassess and set things right.
LOVE IS IN THE AIR. This is a great week for light and airy fun, especially when it comes to love (new or old). This energy will help reveal which people in your life are ride or die and which ones are phony bologna (wow haven’t used that expression since the 5th grade). There may be some bumps in the road as you sort through this info so don’t judge everyone too quickly; something beautiful may be hiding just beneath the surface.
DIG DEEP, BABY. You’ve got a lot of things to do this week and you need to stay focused on finishing them. There’s going to be a lot of distractions but you need to learn to say “no,” and complete your own tasks. You may also see some familiar faces this week, reappearing in new roles. Overall, stay focused!