WE ARE LIVING IN A MATERIAL WORLD, AND I AM A MATERIAL GIRL. It’s the perfect time to buy that special item you’ve been eyeing up (tea, perhaps?) as your energy shifts and becomes more materially focused. Do your research, know the value, and use that Aires confidence to negotiate a great deal!
GET SH*T DONE, HON. This is a great week to put your needs first (for once) and get all those tasks on your to-do list checked off. While it’s in your nature to be a smidge stubborn, keep your eyes and ears open as others are offering advice that might lead to success in your future.
GET A GRIP. This week can swing hard in either direction, Gemini. If you’re able to keep your cool and make logical (rather than emotional - yes, we're looking at you) decisions, this week can propel you into a better place. The energy you’re experiencing can also make you very impatient but don’t get ahead of yourself (this will be very important). There are others who are aligning to help you achieve your goals; as long as you’re willing to let them.
FAITH, TRUST, AND A LIL’ PIXIE DUST. It’s time to listen to all those voices in your head (we know you’ve got plenty of ‘em), trust your gut, and focus on the things you know to be true. Follow through on any promises and make sure people are following through on theirs. This week is going to have a heavy focus on trusting yourself.
GIVE IT 100%. Whatever you do this week, do it to the very best of your abilities. Showcase that Leo excellence, even if there aren’t rewards or accolades waiting for you. It’s especially important to make sure you aren’t being too self-centered this week; help those that need it and without the expectation of payment. You might even like this newfound selflessness (you probably won't love it but it's fine, you're a Leo afterall).
GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. This week the universe is pushing you to take it easy and be kind to yourself. Do you really have to color-coordinate every closet in your house, or can you maybe leave it for another time? Self-care is necessary, especially for hard-working Virgos! Make sure you’re careful in conversations as people might be confused by things you say.
#WERK. Take care of all those little projects that are lying around and get busy, Libra! Anything that remains unfinished might come back to bite you in the a** later on. It’s a week for preparation and future-focus. The planets are aligning for a great few weeks ahead so use this week to nail down any loose ends. Preparation now will pay off later.
SHAKE IT OFF. You’ll be taking a walk down memory lane this week, Scorpio. It’s time to let go of any past issues or hurt; your baggage is slowing you down and needs to be unloaded once and for all. This is a time of high activity and progress with a focus on relationships. Clean out those emotional closets and make room for new (better) memories.
STREAMLINE & UNWIND. This week you need to let go of all activities that have no real reward tied to them and focus on those things that will “pay off”. Allowing yourself to do so will give your financial situation a nice little boost. You might feel more relaxed than usual and you’ll be able to harness this energy to really sink into the things you’re doing.
LIFE IS A’CHANGING. And while you tend to expect the worst (don't even lie), this type of change is for the best. Dreams and goals will be reawakened and you’ll find yourself accomplishing things you once deemed impossible. The best part? You’ll get it all done with ease. It’s a life-changing week, Capricorn! While things may seem to fall into place, you’ll still need to work hard to maximize the potential with this energy.
TAP THAT THIRD EYE. Your psychic intuition it on high alert this week, Aquarius. You’re seeing the future clearly and all the possibilities are laid out before you. A powerful energy is swooping into your chart and lighting fire to old desires and dreams that seem much more attainable today. It's the perfect kind of week for a lil' weirdo like you.
GLOW ON, GURL. It’s your week, Pisces! You’re going to experience an aligning of the heart and mind which will feel like a total rebirth (and perfect for gentle souls like yours). Difficult tasks will be done with ease. It’s a great time to kick off health programs (perhaps our six- week Get Fit Kit?) and other personal growth endeavors.