TAKE IT EASY. Don’t rush into anything major this week, Aries. Things will seem super bright and optimistic and you’ll be seeing things from a higher perspective. However, this does not mean you’ll want to change the things you don't absolutely "love" right now. Focus on the good, don’t go out on a limb; just observe and use those observations to make some kickass future plans (key word: future). Sit with it.
LOGIC FIRST. The universe will be sending you some very important messages this week, Taurus. Listen closely to what people are telling you and look closely at the signs you’re seeing. Ultimately, this will confirm things you already know. Believe in yourself. Most importantly – use your logic, not those sneaky f**king emotions, when making decisions.
WATCH YO’SELF. People are paying attention to you this week, Gemini. During times like this, it’s so super important to watch what you say and do. Think carefully, act slowly. If you handle this week with poise, everyone around you will see what a badass you are. AMEN, honey.
HAND IT OVER. Don’t take on too much this week, Cancer. You’re finding yourself stepping in and taking on things for everyone around you. But, while you think you’re helping you might actually be hurting. People need to handle their own shit right now. And you need to see if you’re avoiding your shit by taking on their shit. Ya know?!
KNOW BEFORE YOU GO. You’re feeling prettttty amped up this week, Leo. While this hyped up energy makes you wanna race around get shit done RIGHT NOW… don’t do anything with a solid plan in hand. Your actions will have a larger impact that you might believe. Otherwise, this is a week for living in the now – ENJOY IT!
NO SLACKIN’. Okay Virgo, listen to me carefully: take your time and do it right, but do it. Your ruling planet is retrograde so this is going to be a week where you need to overcome the energies bogging you down. While you’re going to want to cut corners and wind back, you need to keep pushing – this will greatly improve the future chart. Don’t lower your standards and take your time but get it done.
ADVENTURE AWAITS. Things are getting good, Libra. There are all kinds of new and exciting things waiting for you. You don’t know what they are (sorry, I don’t either), but I can promise you this: your deeper purpose is just ahead. Do not cut corners or be lax on projects this week. Stay true to what’s best for you but keep an open mind because anything can happen.
DOIN’ GOOD, HON. This is a super chill week for you, Scorpio. You’re feeling good, you’re not stressin’, and you’re intuitive AF (be careful with how you interpret peoples vibes though, damn Mercury retrograde). Keep it steady with this energy and take your time with decisions, keeping it all in perspective. Sweet opportunities will be popping up for you in the near future, so just kick back this week and take it all in.
FIND A BETTER WAY. Don’t get all annoyed this week, Sagittarius. All those frustrating roadblocks are popping up for a reason. Take time to consider a better path because this retrograde is here to tell you that are more effective ways to get things done. Think of these snags as a blessing, be patient, and carefully weigh your options.
DREAM IT, DO IT. Hey Capricorn, you’re capable of anything. Just making sure you know that. The universe is pushing you to dream beyond what you believe possible. You need to know that you have the inner-strength to get this shit done. With the right effort and careful plans, you can totally make it happen. It would a great time to kick off a routine centered around improving health because it’s what really matters.
WELCOME TO YOUR NEW LIFE. Look at you, Aquarius! You’re taking all of the recent events and messages in your life and putting them to work. You’re seeing things with a fresh perspective and starting with a blank slate. You’ve learned the lessons and now you can put them into practice. Enjoy this fresh energy for the week and live in the moment; keep long term decisions for next week.
HOLD YOUR HORSES. Before you get all PO’ed, take a minute to relax, Pisces. There are so many things you want to get done right now but nothing seems to be moving forward. There’s a reason for that. The universe is making sure you’ve checked everything over and over again. Make sure you’ve crossed those t’s and dotted those i’s. This isn’t happening against you, its happening for you. Look it all over… one more time.