DO IT. There’s soooo much awesomeness in front of you right now, Aires. You just have to reach out and grab it. This week is all about getting shit done NOW. You might feel a rush of energy every now and then; that’s because fate is pushing you forward. Whatever feels right in your heart and mind is worth listening to.
PICK YOUR PATH. You’re feeling very connected to the whole this week, Taurus. Destiny seems to play a heavy hand in how you’re handling yourself and the choices you’re making. You might notice that things you’ve recently learned second-hand are popping up in your own life and changing the decisions you make (for the better). It’s kind of like some weird ass lesson déjà vu. Embrace it, you were given this knowledge for a reason. Though fate is guiding you, the path you choose is your choice alone.
TREAT YO SELF. You’ve been working your ass off, Gemini. And the universe wants to make sure you’re rewarding yourself for it. You might feel the impulse to buy some shit – go ahead and do it. It’s important to make sure you treat yourself so you remember why you work so hard. Doing so will be the fuel you need to keep on pushing!
SHOW ‘EM WHO'S BOSS. Well look at you, Cancer! You’ll be stepping up to show everyone what it means to be a boss ass bitch all week. Everything you do will prove to be an example to others as you sprinkle inspiration all over the damn place. It’s a great week to show them what you got (and it's a lot, honey).
CHECK THE FOUNDATION. There’s going to be A LOT of fast-paced action in coming weeks, Leo. It’s important to be aware so you can use this week to prepare yourself mentally. Relationships in particular may experience some serious changes. Remember that everything you have is already within you. Strengthen your inner fortitude; it’s not what happens but how you handle it. Do some self-reflection this week.
BOOOORING… OR IS IT? If you find yourself feeling a little ho-hum about this week...don’t! It’s the calm before the storm, Virgo. There’s a lot of new and exciting things that will start popping up; little-by-little this week but then much quicker in coming weeks. Get anything extra off your plate right now so you’re prepared for an influx of awesomeness! Don't leave little tasks unattended.
WHY YOU GOTTA GO AND MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED. Oh yes, I just went Avril on your ass. This week is all about simplifying your life, Libra. The universe will be making it VERY CLEAR that there are better, easier, ways to get things done. And it’s probably something you’ve already thought about. So what are you waiting for? Put systems in place to lighten your load! Doing so now greatly impacts your future success.
STEP INTO IT. Your energy hits a precipice this week, Scorpio. It’s a like a big wave, sweeping you off your feet and pushing you into your future. You can’t hold onto this momentum, however, if you don’t let go of the past. Shake off anything that’s holding you back so you can take advantage of now. Get all of your work done and let the future unfold.
WHO ARE YOU? People are about to find out, Sagittarius! This week, people will be seeing the real you as you step into the spotlight. Many people will change their perceptions of you (for the best) as you reveal new aspects of your kickass personality. Some people might be scared that they’re going to be left out of your big future plans; reassurance that you’re the same gal you’ve always been might be needed.
WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON HERE? Things might seem a little mismatched this week, Capricorn. People are making promises but not following through. They're saying one thing to you, and something entirely different to someone else. Make sure you get to the bottom of this weird ass energy. If you feel like someone’s being shifty, they probably are. Stay smart and get to the bottom of it!
TAKE THE LEAP! You’ve had your eye on quite a few things lately, Aquarius. Learning new traits, uncovering hidden talents, flexing on some new skills… there’s a looooot of potential right now. The universe is asking... no telling... you to take advantage of these feelings and just do it! Go ahead and embrace this energy and step into the unknown.
GAME CHANGER. This week is bringing you to a whole new level, Pisces. Fate is at play and pushing you to embrace things about yourself that you’re still a little weary of. You need to recognize your greatness and step into the role the universe is laying out for you. It’s going to be a hell of a month!