IN THE MONEY. You’ve got your mind on your money and your money on your mind this week, Aries. You have a special ability right now to see what people want and how you can give it to them; use this kickass super power to amplify those financial gains. It’s an awesome time to look at future planning and career advancements but don’t make any commitments just yet. Get your plan written down.
WE’RE REMODELING! It’s time to revamp a few things this week, Taurus. If you’re finding yourself on shaky ground in some areas of your life, step back and fix that shit. Your success will depend upon finding balance with those around you. Remember, you don’t have to do it all on your own; learn to work as a team.
BUCKLE UP. It’s going to be a week of unexpected events, Gemini. While this can be annoying AF, it's not for nothing. Everything you’re running into is meant to teach you something. The main message will be that you need to find more time for yourself and the things you love to do. Are you being relied on a little too heavily? Tell those bitches what’s up in the nicest way possible and free yourself up a bit.
CLEAR IT UP. There’s a lot of open-ended deals or opportunities circulating in your world this week, Cancer. Before you commit to any of this shit, make sure you’ve sealed up every loose end and answered alllllll of the questions you have. There’s a chance for mixed up assumptions so cut if off now and strengthen your chances at success.
SHOW ‘EM. This week is all about showing people that you mean motherf**kin’ business, Leo. Sometimes people confuse niceness with weakness but you are anything but a pushover. You have high standards and it’s for good reason. Put your foot down and show your strength up front so there isn’t any confusion down the road.
SUNNIER DAYS AHEAD. There’s been a lot of transitions happening lately, Virgo. You’re going through and closing out one chapter and opening up a new one. It can be a pain in the ass for sure but new beginnings are right around the corner and the future looks hella bright. While you’re doing the work to close out your current projects, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Stay optimistic, it’s all clearing up!
HIGHER AND HIGHER. Look at you go, Libra! Your goals and passions are bigger than ever and allowing you to see possibilities way beyond what you’ve ever imagined. New levels of energy and drive will fuel you to accomplish it all. It’s okay to keep quiet if you’re not quite ready to share these plans or current feelings; it’s more about observation as you nail down the details. Get it girl!
LOOKING FORWARD. You’ve been doing a lot of work in the foundational parts of your life recently, Scorpio. And it’s paying off. While you still have things to handle, particularly in the relationship sector, the systems you put in place are freeing up your time. Knowing everything is handled in the present allows you to plan for the future. There’s a lot of new exciting shit coming your way. Niiiiice.
BREAK THROUGH. Sometimes life throws us a few curve balls not because it hates us (it doesn't) but because it wants to teach us something about ourselves. The universe is asking you to dig deep and realize how friggin' awesome you are. Obstacles that are popping up may seem annoying but once you’ve hurdled them, you’ll feel an overpowering sense of accomplishment and pride. That’s because you rock, and you should be more aware of that fact.
PLAN IT OUT. Your mind is buzzing with creativity right now, Capricorn. This energy can be really friggin' awesome but it can also leave you feeling a little frazzled. Make a list with all of your current goals and new ideas and then launch some action plans to get that shit done. Your chart is looking hella sweet – the sky is the limit!
A GREATER UNDERSTANDING. You seem to have a better idea of not just what you want, but how you get there. It’s a great time to find like-minded individuals and start brainstorming/bouncing ideas off of them. They can help carry you forward but don’t sign up for any commitments to them just yet. Family and friends step into focus as well; get any shit at home sorted out.
CHANGE IS COMING. Damn, it’s been a rough go lately, Pisces. But this week it starts to turn around. Change is igniting in many areas of your life and leading to some relief. It might take a hot minute for this to completely alleviate your issues but it will happen one day at a time. Times like these can turn impossibilities into realities so prepare yourself for a kickass ride.
Yes!!! I am so over the craziness. Looking forward to better times!