Why Not Me?
You can achieve just about anything this week – you just have to be willing to try. Today we exit multiple retrogrades as Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter move forward which gives us new viewpoints and reignites passions. Will you take advantage of this unique energy, or let it pass you by?
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IN WITH THE NEW. There’s some changes in your world, Capricorn. The things you’ve relied upon time and time again, are beginning to fail. While you’re experiencing this annoying shit, it’s important to find other options before you get totally screwed over. Look at the options and come up with some new ways to get things done; it’ll pay off greatly in the future! Embrace change.

DON’T ROLL YOUR EYES. There’s going to be a lot of information coming at you this week, Aquarius. And while it can be annoying AF to get preached to by others – try to focus on what’s being said (instead of telling them to STFU). There’s some really critical shit coming through; trust your gut on which pieces are super valuable. You’ll know it when you see it!

SEEING THE OTHER SIDE. People’s true colors are coming through this week, Pisces. You’re seeing what really drives them and it might surprise you. This deeper understanding of the people in your life will come in super fucking handy. Let it sink in and reflect on how it helps navigate your relationships.

LETS MINGLE. It’s time to talk, Aries! Get out there and converse with anyone and everyone you can. Great ideas and big dreams will come about; some of that shit will be attainable right now, and others might be a little further out. Either way – embrace it and dream big bitch!

DO IT RIGHT. Listen to the rules this week, Taurus! Whatever awesome shit you decide to do – do it to the best of your ability and while keeping the instructions in mind. Don’t get all "rebel without a cause" on us; if you stay focused on getting the job done you will blow them all away.

WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? You’re cutting through the bullshit this week, Gemini. It’s time to focus on whatever issues are plaguing you; and to get it off your plate. Think about the desired outcome and work up a plan that takes the necessary steps to get you there. You’re uniquely positioned to create solutions that work.

BIG PICTURE. You’re seeing things from an elevated view this week, Cancer. It’s like everything suddenly makes sense and you know exactly where you want to go, and exactly how to get there. That’s some awesome shit! Other people might naysay but just ignore them; they can’t see it yet (they will eventually).

#WERK. It’s time to roll up those sleeves, Leo! Whatever work you focus on this week will pay dividends way into the future. Get to it and stay focused. There’s a lot of noise out there but you need to cut through the bullshit and find out what people are actually saying; ask the right questions.

BREAK IT DOWN. It’s all about putting systems in place this week, Virgo. You’ve got a lot to do and can achieve a fuck-ton if you’re able to break it down into steps and tackle it in an organized way. Getting one thing done, tying up all the loose ends, and then moving onto the next one is the best way to take advantage of this week!

PART OF THE PLAN. Fate is at the wheel this week, Libra. Pay close attention to the way things are unfolding – including the shit people around you are saying and doing. Try to be somewhat removed from the results and zoom out… no sentimental reflections – use logic to assess what’s going on. An important week!

WHAT DID YOU LEARN? You’re starting all over again this week, Scorpio. Maybe you’ve been trying to solve something for a while and you find yourself back at the beginning… except now you’re able to apply all the shit you’ve learned over the past few weeks. Bringing in this knowledge and experience will lead to much better outcomes this time around; and the rewards are great! Don’t overcomplicate things.

BIG GAINS. You’re dealing with tough but amazing energy this week, Sagittarius. You might find yourself up against some bullshit changes but it’s there to make sure you are on the path that leads you to major gains. Dig deep and stay focused on what you want to get done while making sure that you understand what’s causing issues and how to avoid them in the future. This is a week that can catapult you to the next level. #FuckYeah