Is it worth it?
The universe is asking you to take a look at the progress you’re making (or the lack thereof). Where are you putting your effort? Is getting you anywhere? If the answer is yes, keep at it. If the answer is no, it’s time to rethink your approach.
Having trouble making progress on your holiday shopping? Ahem, we have a thing or two that may interest you. 😉🎁

WELL… THAT WAS INTERESTING. You’ve got a weird f**king week ahead, Capricorn. Not in a bad way – just in a “that didn’t turn out how I expected” kind of way. A lot of this is meant to highlight a fork in the road on some things; you’re going to have to choose a way forward pretty soon. In all this insanity, find the people you can trust – that will help when it’s decision time.

FLEXIBLE AF. It’s time to shake off the constraints of the past, Aquarius. Let go of all the limitations you’ve put on yourself and free your mind to a f**k ton of new possibilities. The more you’re able to adapt to change and allow yourself to consider a whole new way of moving forward, the better your chances at increased success will be. It’s all about opening yourself to every avenue available – the future may not look how you imagine but damn that shit is BRIGHT.

IT’S ALL RELATIVE. You’re leading the way, Pisces. People seriously need your help right now and they’re hoping you can solve all their problems. Be careful because sure, you can definitely assist, but if shit turns out bad they’re gonna be pointing the finger at you. Make it super f**king clear that you can give advice, but you won’t be held accountable for the outcomes. It’s also a great time to look around and take stock of the people you can lean on.

IN YOUR FEELS. Feeling a little edgy, Aries? Take a deep breath and try to give yourself a f**king break. If you’re finding yourself at a dead end on something, look at the problem from a different angle. Get creative and remember, you’re ultimately in charge of your perspective so you get to decide whether this is a good or bad situation. Choose wisely.

STAY IN YOUR LANE. Mind your business this week, Taurus. Other people’s bullshit has nothing to do with you. Choose to ignore the noise and shift the focus on what you need to accomplish right now. Take your time and weigh your options; and hey, maybe even have a little fun while you're at it?

JUST SAY NO. Don’t volunteer for any shit you don’t want to do this week, Gemini. You have a lot of your own stuff going on and if you overcommit yourself you’ll end up super f**king cranky. Shift your perspective, politely decline the things you can’t manage right now, and try and have a good attitude. Remember: you ultimately control how you feel… positive vibes only.

AHEAD OF THE PACK. You’re two steps ahead of everyone this week, Cancer. Sure, that can be frustrating and maybe a little lonely but don’t allow yourself to focus on that part… because damn, you’re kicking ass. Go ahead and let your creative abilities lead the way. People are super impressed with you - and that means major advancements.

A BETTER WAY. Everything you encounter is meant to teach you something this week, Leo. Sounds super f**king serious but like most things in life, it’s not! Try to approach problems from the lens of : “how can we do this better”? And realize this will lead to major improvements. People will be looking to you for leadership – help them but don’t take over, they have lessons to learn, too!

QUIT PLAYIN’. You’re ready to have a good time this week, Virgo. And you abso-f**king-lutely should! But just remember that not everyone is going to be in a good mood and know when to turn it off and get serious. Lots of cool shit coming your way – enjoy it!

GET TO IT. There’s a lot of potential in your world right now, Libra. If you’re willing to go after it. The more energized you are around ideas, the better it’ll turn out so get f**king hype and allow yourself to wander into new situations as it may be exactly where you’re supposed to be. Make sure you’re not annoying others with your good mood though – not everyone is feeling so hot right now.

DON’T SWEAT IT. You’re doing so good right now, even the shit you fuck up will turn out exactly right. As long as you work really hard and do your best, everything that happens this week will be great; so don’t sweat it if something doesn’t happen exactly as you planned. It’s meant to be that way. When you notice people watching – show them what you got!

GAINING MOMENTUM. This week is all about the build-up, Sagittarius. You’ll find shit starts out uneventful but that will change pretty quickly as the days go on – and it’s all working in your favor (if you want it to). Try to keep the things you value most anchored in your mind and create situations that benefit those areas.