COMBAT YOUR LONELINESS. We've all been feeling a little lonely with the pandemic lately, Aquarius. But you especially are feeling the effects this week. To fight against feeling alone, remember all the ways you ARE connected. Download a new social media account, send a friend a letter, or hop on Animal Crossing and visit someone's island.
ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL. You've been burying your damn emotions again, Pisces. You haven't been letting yourself feel all that you need to. This week, get back in touch with how you feel and let yourself express it. You might think your feelings and emotions are unimportant when compared with what's going on in the world, but this isn't true! And bottling them up doesn't help anyone.
DREAM BIG. Don't give up on your dreams this week, Aries. Lately you've been feeling like the future doesn't matter, and that your dreams aren't important. This isn't true! There is still so much left for you to accomplish. Challenge yourself to dream fucking bigger than you have in a long time.
DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELF. You have so much potential, Taurus. But lately you've been feeling like you can't do anything right. Shake off that negative self talk and remember who the fuck you are. Think about all that you have accomplished and stop underestimating what you can do.
TAKE AN EMOTIONAL REST. Your emotions have been running at an all time high lately, Gemini. You feel strung out and like you can't keep up with the world around you. This week, try to distance yourself from your heavy emotions and have some fucking fun instead! You deserve it, girlfriend.
LOVE AND BE LOVED. You're going to be feeling a lot of love this week, Cancer. Take a minute to open yourself up to others and all the joy they can bring your life. You'll be surprised just how fucking wonderful people can be if you let them.
STOP BEING SO COMPETITIVE. You've been seeing everyone around you as rivals lately, Leo. You keep looking over your damn shoulder thinking someone is trying to catch up with you. When you see everyone as a threat, your relationships suffer. Instead, offer some support to someone else's dream this week.
CELEBRATE YOUR BOMB ASS FRIENDS. Take a moment to appreciate your friends this week, LIbra. Your friends have been feeling a little neglected lately. Take time this week to tell them how much your value their role in your life. November is the month for Friendsgiving, after all.