We’re entering a new cycle this week and it’s creating brand new possibilities in our lives. We’re feeling personally empowered to roll up our sleeves and get to work on creating change with our bare hands. Dig in and plant the seeds for tomorrow.
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BUILD QUIETLY. You’re brimming with creativity this week, Capricorn, and it’s opening all kinds of doors. Engage with this energy and allow it to take you to new places. An important note: build in quiet to avoid unwanted attention from people who might get jealous and try to f**k with you.

THEY’RE WATCHING. There’s a lot of eyes on you this week, Aquarius. And while that can be great way to show people how kickass you are, it can also be annoying AF when you just wanna get shit done without explaining yourself all the time. Be wary of compliments that are meant to win your favor – and keep your standards high.

YOU'VE GOT MAIL. There’s a lot of information coming your way this week, Pisces. Whether or not you’re ready to listen is an entirely different story. Staying open and honest with yourself is super f**king important. Focus on one thing at a time and if you’re overwhelmed, take a moment to relax with friends and family.

NOW IS THE TIME. It’s all about staying in the moment this week, Aries. Ask yourself what you can do today to improve situations and then get to work doing it. Every move you make now sets you up for a better tomorrow so make smart choices!

LET’S F**KING GO. You’re killing it this week, Taurus. Have faith in your ability to identify opportunities and go for it. Looking for strategic partnerships with others would be a great idea – and your gut will tell you exactly who can help you get to where you want to go. Trrust yourself and let your passions guide the way.

WHAT’S THE PLAN? Map it all out this week, Gemini. Whatever shit you have floating around in your mind should be put down on paper where you can see the to-do’s and break it down into actionable steps. You’re entering brand new beginnings that have unlimited potential – yeaaah babby!

CATALYST. This week starts a new chain of events in your life, Cancer. Make sure you’re putting your best foot forward in all the shit you do – it’s this attention to detail that will make all the difference. Ride this kickass wave of change into exciting new places.

SOCIAL BUTTERFLY. There’s a ton of opportunity popping up in personal interactions this week, Leo. Get out there and rub some elbows but make sure you’re aware that people are listening closer than normal. Present yourself exactly the way you want be perceived. You’ll feel grounded and capable (‘cause bitch, you are).

LEAVE THEM IN THE DUST. There’s no stopping you this week, Virgo… even if they try (and these bitches will). You’re way ahead of the pack and doing some big picture planning that others can’t even imagine right now. Don’t let the naysayers creep into your subconscious. Just keep going!

COMING INTO FOCUS. There’s a lot of information coming your way this week, Libra. And this shit is critical. Pay attention to what you’re actually seeing (not just what you want to see) and plan accordingly. This will help you make some major decisions – but wait until you’re completely ready to do it.

BELIEVE. You’re in complete “flow” this week, Scorpio. You might feel like your senses are going into overdrive during certain conversations. This doesn’t mean the person is totally full of shit but you’d be wise to pay attention to how it made you feel and why. Some opportunities will require you to believe in positive outcomes – go ahead and make the jump.

SIMPLIFY. Your emotional intelligence will come in very handy this week, Sagittarius. People around you might be spiraling a little bit and you need to help reel their asses back in. Be the voice of reason and handle things as they come while keeping them as simple as possible. Not a great time to get too far ahead of yourself; be present in the now.