DON'T TAKE OTHERS FOR GRANTED. You can be kind of a lone wolf, Capricorn. You sometimes let days or weeks breeze by without connecting with others. This week, don't take the people in your life for granted. Nurture those relationships so they don't disappear.
PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR ENERGY. Where are you putting your energy, Aquarius? This week, it's important to be mindful of where you're sending your energy. Are you putting all of it into people who aren't reciprocating? If so, cut if the fuck out! Your energy is precious and should only be spent on people and things that lift you up.
TURN AWAY FROM MATERIALISM. You've been covering your pain with material good lately, Pisces. Anytime you want to feel better you've been buying something. This isn't going to heal the root of the emotional wound, only put a band aid over it. Try to get to the source of the pain and find healthier (and less expensive) ways to heal it.
COLLAB OR FUCKING BUST. The name of the game is collaboration for you this week, Aries. You've been so caught up in your own hustle that you're overlooking the value that partnerships can bring. Take time this week to work on a joint project and see how far teaming up can take you.
ESTABLISH A NEW ROUTINE. Your life is craving some structure, Taurus. The pandemic has you sleeping and eating at extremely random times. This is causing your physical and mental health to get all out of whack. Establish a new damn routine this week and stick to it!
TAKE TIME FOR WHAT YOU LOVE. We know the days seem jam packed with responsibilities, Gemini. It feels like there's just not enough time for passion projects. Carve out time this week no matter what. It's so damn important for your growth.
FOCUS ON YOUR HOME. Does your house feel like home to you, Cancer? Take some time this week to "nest" for your future self. Fill your home with things that make you comfortable, and purge anything that's bringing bad energy into your living space.
MAKE SOMEONE FEEL SEEN. Sometimes the secret to being seen is to see others, Leo. We all have the power to make someone feel seen and appreciated. Reach out to someone with a compliment, speak what is beautiful about them into existence. Make someone feel fucking amazing.
LET GO OF WHAT'S GONE. You've been holding on way too tightly to something that's already gone, Virgo. It's messing with your damn head and holding you back from what's in front of you.
HONOR YOUR WILD SIDE. Let yourself have some fucking fun this week, Libra. There's a side of you that craves adventure. Embrace that side in whatever way you can by making time for fun. Let your damn hair down.
DON'T LET WORK DEFINE YOU. You are so much more than a job, Scorpio. You are a magical, interesting, captivating being no matter where (or if) you hold an interesting job. Don't fell constrained by work and instead remember that no matter what your title is, you are always you.
PRIORITIZE FUN. Break out that to-do list, Sagittarius. We often forget to plan for fun, therefore we don't prioritize it. Make fun a "have-to" this week by writing it on your to do list. You fucking deserve it.