More To It!
There’s a lot more possibilities than you might have originally imagined. Take your time this week and inspect the things you’ve been working on. Make sure you've considered all the options.
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IN DUE TIME. Everything is unfolding as it should, during the exact time it’s supposed to, Capricorn. You might already know how it’s going to turn out, but you need to let it happen. Don’t try to force anything. It’s a great time to treat yourself for hard work you’ve been putting in.

WELL, THAT WAS WEIRD. It’s a week of strange and unusual – but totally awesome – events, Aquarius. The weirdest shit will happen and you’ll find yourself on the receiving end of some kickass increases in abundance. Just be super careful with your actions this week – no risky business stuff. The universe is sending you lots of signs so keep your eyes peeled.

NOT YOUR PROBLEM. People will be a little needy this week, Pisces. You should understand that you’re so cool that others rely on you to help when they’re stressed the f**k out. Just remember that you don’t need to take on anyone else’s B.S. You’re seeing things from elevated perspectives; trust yourself.

GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT. You might feel a bit out of focus this week, Aries. But don’t let that keep you from pushing projects over the finish line. In fact, it’s super important that you get shit done, and give it 100%. People are counting on your best work – so get to it.

PUSH THE ENVELOPE. It’s not the time to “play it safe”, Taurus. You’re being challenged to step into some leadership roles so get ready to level-up and take the damn reins. Inspiration and direction may come from unlikely places, keep your eyes peeled.

STAY FOCUSED. You’re in for an INTENSE week, Gemini. You’re riding a strong energy wave right now, but instead of letting it pull you in unproductive directions, dig deep and concentrate on using it to complete some goals and make some positive connections. You’ll get shit ton done!

RESOLUTION. This week is all about correcting situations that feel unfair, Cancer. If you’re able to speak up and find a way to reach across the aisle, you can solve some major disputes. People will look to you for because of your ability to connect and understand both sides of this shit. So go ahead and bridge the gaps!

POSITIVE VIBES ONLY. You’re laser focused and nothing is getting past you, Leo. But don’t get pissed off that other people aren’t operating at your level; it’s hard to keep up when you’re killing the game. Be nice to people and stay positive in your communications!

CHOOSE CAREFULLY. You’re in the drivers seat this week, Virgo. Where you go and how far you get is completely up to you. There are so many possibilities. Tap into yourself and figure out what you really want; where do you see yourself in five years? And go after that shit. Other people are cheering you on!

ONWARD & UPWARD. This is a good ass time for you, Libra. Things are shifting into your favor so take advantage of it. Get after your goals, and focus on taking care of business. If you think abundantly, abundance will find you.

PUT IT TOGETHER. Listen up, Scorpio! There’s a lot of information trying to make it’s way to you; so pay attention to the shit people say this week. There will clues about the best way to handle upcoming situations. You might notice that you’ve got everything you need, but you just need to organize it all for the best outcomes.

NICE AND EASY. Hit the brakes, Sagittarius. There’s no need to speed right now; you might miss some important info if you do! Keep an eye on the details, especially to hidden messages or signs from the universe about the future. There’s a lot of communications come through to you right now.